- Experimental Maths Games
- Online Task Library
- Joint Action Platform
- Speechreading Games
- Cognitive Training
- Online Supermarket
- MouseTracking
Experimental Maths Games
client: prof. brian butterworth, icn and prof. diana laurillard, ioe
tech: constructionist maths game and control
status: final
We have built a constructionist maths game to help children learn addition and subtraction. Constructionism makes the task goal meaningful to the learning, lets them act to achieve that goal, feeds back the result in relations to the goal and motivates revisions in improve. The game involves making, breaking, joining and smashing beads together to match the target.
Some verbatim quotes:
- "It's very fun" - B, Reception
- "It's a really fun game" - B, Yr1
- "This is a really fun game - I don't want anyone to know about it" - B, Yr1
- "This game is the best" - B, Yr1
- "Really fun" - G, Yr2
- "It's cool - I love this" - B, Yr3
- "I'd play it all day" - G, Yr4
- "I was absolutely astounded by the work they were doing with this. They were clearly seeing things in a different way" - their teacher
DCAL Portal
client: dcal, ucl
tech: online task portal
status: delivered
We are building an online portal containing newly digitised versions of DCAL's established tests.
The tests can be used by both clinicians and researchers, and the portal provides training content to ensure that the tasks are administered correctly.
The Hive
client: dr. daniel richardson, eyethink lab, ucl
tech: live audience interaction tool
status: delivered
See a demo
We have built a tool in which every member of the audience can control their dot on the main screen using their smartphone. By moving to different areas of the screen, they can answer questions, influence each other, and work together as a team.
This tool allows the science team to investigate how groups of people influence one another, and how crowds interact to make group decisions.
Dezecache, G., Allen, J. M., von Zimmermann, J., & Richardson, D. C. (2021). We predict a riot: inequality, relative deprivation and collective destruction in the lab. PsyArXiv.
Neville, F. G., Drury, J., Reicher, S. D., Choudhury, S., Stott, C., Ball, R. & Richardson, D. C. (2020). Self-categorization as a basis of behavioural mimicry: Experiments in The Hive. Plos One.
"The Hive is an amazingly flexible and truly innovative tool, which has taken our group research to a new level. Finally, we can test co-present people in large numbers under controlled conditions. And the best thing is that everyone is having fun. Our participants love it and so do we!
Thank you very much Cauldron team for making this creative research project possible and for doing an incredible job with the development of the Hive. With your expertise you were able to make this tool even better than we had hoped for. It is a pleasure working with you and we hope to work with you again soon!
Jorina von Zimmermann, EyeThink Lab
Woods Online Supermarket
client: bhru, cambridge
tech: online supermarket
status: delivered
See a demo
We delivered a believable online supermarket, with over ten thousand products, for researchers to investigate the factors that influence online shopping behaviour.
The participants felt as if they were using a real-world supermarket site, but the researchers could manipulate food labelling, the order of search results and even offer healthier swaps to selected products.
"We unreservedly recommend Cauldron as a resource developer for online experiments. They have a style of working that is brilliantly suited to research, understanding the overall experimental objective of our project, and being able to adapt to the changing specifics of how that is implemented. They were very quick and within budget!
Within 7 months, we have been given use of a smart, well designed website, of which we were closely involved in the design. It is now a brilliant experimental tool to be using."
Prof. Theresa Marteau, Director, BHRU
client: multi-modal lab, ucl
tech: mouse-tracking
status: delivered
We delivered six identical computers to the Science Museum, London. These were used to administer a novel mouse-tracking task that used mouse-curvature paths to capture implicit attitudes.
The program also presented the participants with their instructions, provided a demonstration video, ran the practice trails and captured the necessary participant data.
"The computers and mouse-tracking experiment worked perfectly! We collected data from 334 parent-child dyads in just 5 days which would not have been possible without you.
The pre-processing and centralised storage of the data was invaluable – it saved us so much time."
Hadassah Fromson, UCL
Evidence-informed Education Platform
client: indexmatch ltd, London
tech: education platform
status: delivered
We developed an online education platform for educators to deliver and track progress of students through an online course. The platform provides students with the opportunity to provide feedback and the end of each lesson, enabling educators to continually improve the quality of the lesson.
Additionally, each lesson can also test students' knowledge. This not only provides students with immediate testing and feedback – which has been empirically shown to improve long term-retention – but also provides an objective measure of the quality of the lesson.
"You have transformed our education business. We combine the objective and subjective data we collect to continually improve our product. No more endless philosophical discussions about which approach is best; we just change the weakest lesson. Over the last year our product has transformed and our students are thrilled!"
Cognitive Training
client: prof. sarah blakemore, ucl icn
tech: online cognitive training and experimental platform
status: completed
Visit Site
Watch Video
We are building a cognitive training platform that allows hundreds of teenagers to be trained on two cognitive tasks. The platform will also provide initial instruction in these tasks and administer a battery of psychological tests at various points in time.
The platform will enable the efficient and timely participation of hundreds of school-aged participants by allowing the researchers to collect data from multiple participants concurrently using school IT equipment.
"Let me get this straight: you do the bits I hate, I keep the bits I love, and I end up with more valuable findings in less time? Where do I sign up?"
Dr. Anne-Lise Goddings, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL
"I just want to say that the look and feel of the training is really great - beyond my hopes and expectations!"
Prof. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL
Speechreading Games
client: dr. mairead macsweeney, ucl icn
tech: speechreading training game and periodic testing for rct with deaf students
status: completed
See a demo
We are building a speechreading that will allows deaf students to practice speechreading skills as part of an RCT to see whether improvements in speechreading lead to gains in reading skills.
The platform will enable the effective and timely participation of hard to reach young deaf students by presenting the training within the context of an enjoyable game.
"The game looks great! The lovely effects (puffs of smoke, stars, plants growing etc) when you get it right are just what is needed, the reward is visual and very clear (my favourite is alien experiment which is visually very attractive)."
Dr. Hannah Pimperton, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL